What's On
In addition to Sunday worship a wide range of events and activities take place throughout the week. Changes in worship times occur from time to time and many ‘one-off’ activities take place. These are publicised in the church newsletter and, increasingly, on our Facebook page.
Please note that, Sunday services excepted, not all these events and activities take place every week. Please check the church calendar or the person responsible the activity for further information.
Upcoming Events
What’s happening between now and Christmas?
Friday 1 November
6.45 pm: Film night
Sunday 3rd November
9:00 am Traditional Worship led by Katherine Atha
10.30 am Contemporary Worship also led by Katherine Atha
Saturday 9 November
10.00 am until 12.00 noon: Community Hub
Sunday 10 November
8.30 am until 9.30 am: Church family breakfast
9.30 am: Morning service led by our stewards and worship leaders followed by refreshments then act of remembrance at Christ Church
Sunday 17 November
9.30 am: Traditional worship led by Peter Jackson
10.30 am: Contemporary worship including Holy Communion led by Rev Rob Weir
2.00 pm until 4.00 pm: Bilsdale Silver Band concert at Stokesley Parish Church. Tickets £10 to include refreshments available from Fiona Bowman (tel: 07971 505382 or email: fionabowman57@gmail.com)
Saturday 23 November
6.00 pm until 9.00pm: Let’s Make it Christmas. Tickets are available from Steve Smith (gamc.tech@gmail.com tel 07530 111912) or from Hannah Jackson.
Sunday 24 November:
10.30 am: Contemporary and Giving Service worship led by Peter Jackson and Major Antony Mugford from the Salvation Army at Guisborough
Friday 6 December
6.45 pm: Film night
Sunday 8 December
12:15 pm: Church family Christmas lunch
Saturday 14 December
10.00 am until 12.00 noon: Community Hub. Brass band Christmas carol requests and a visit from a certain special person
6.00 pm: Angrove Singers Concert
Sunday 15 December
10.30 am: Christmas café church led by Rev Rob Weir
Sunday 22 December
6.00 pm: Carols by candlelight followed by refreshments
Wednesday 25 December
10.30 am: Christmas morning celebration service
Regular and Weekly Events
The programme of events below shows our usual planned weekly event. Red text indicates any changes from the usual arrangements.
9:00 am to 10:00 am in church (first and third Sunday of the month only).
A more traditional service format, suitable for all but one which will particularly suit those people who value the structure of this type of service and worshipping with traditional hymns sung to the organ.
10:30 am to 12:00 pm in church
Contemporary worship.
A more modern style of service suitable for all ages including families with children. Led by our worship band, this service is highly accessible to people who are seeking or newly exploring their faith as well as those who have been Christian for many years. At certain times of the year this service will take the form of café style all age worship.
Coffe teas and biscuits are served after both these services; a great chance to get to know people or catch up with friends.
Contacts: Rev Rob Weir (01642 724968), Jeanette Hardy (01642 714799)
King’s Kids* in church
During this service there are activities for children that usually follow the themes considered in the church services. Children join the congregation for the beginning of the service then leave to take part in the crèche (ages 0-3) and King’s Kids (ages 4-11). They then rejoin the service for a shared time of worship.
Contact: Sally Chaplain (01642 724221)
7:30 pm in a member’s home
House group
See below for more information
Contact: Steve Smith (stevevwsmith@gmail.com)
Evening in the hall
Brownies and Guides For times and activity details please contact the leaders below.
These activities are provided by an external group
Contacts: Alison Lambert, Brownies (01642 722565), Eleanor Albrecht, Guides (01642 724020)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm in church (first and third Tuesday of the month)
Primetime Games
Indoor floor games in the church including bowling and curling type games. Suitable for all people and ages including people with additional physical needs as well as able bodied people.
Contact: contact details awaited
12:15 pm to 1:45 pm in the hall
Community Lunch
Community lunch Is taking a prolonged break at the moment. This will give us time to prayerfully consider the future of the Community lunches as we seek God’s direction.
3:15 pm to 4:30 pm in church
J Time
After school activities for children aged from birth to year 6 and their families. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children receive a small healthy snack and take part in wide range of activities including video, crafts, songs and play with a Christian theme. Parents and carers can enjoy a coffee or tea and cookies and, of course, a good chat. A small charge is made. The main group, up to school year two meet in church, children who are older than this have their own activities in the youth hall. School term time only.
Contact: Ruth Smith (07552 220841)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm in the hall
Coffee and Crafts
Bring a craft you’re working on (or none) and come along for a coffee and good company. Please note this does not take place every week. Please contact the activity organiser for details.
Contact: Hannah Jackson (01287 637882)
7:00 pm to 9 pm in the hall
Tai Chi
This activity is provided by an external group
Contact: Keith Wilkinson (01642 723802)
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Play and social time as well as mutual support for pre-school; children and their parents and carers. A small charge is made.
Contact: Ann Davies (01642 723986)
2:00 pm to 3.30 pm at Fry Court (first Thursday in the month)
Faithful friends.
An afternoon service of well known hymns, tea and cake, conversation and friendship. This service is also suitable for people with dementia and their carers. Accessible toilet facilities, access for wheelchairs and convenient parking are available. This is a valuable service that is greatly appreciated by those who come along. Everyone is welcome.
Angrove Singers Choir rehearsal.
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm in the hall
The choir meet weekly in school term time to rehearse and perform three concerts each year in the village. New members always welcome
This activity is provided by an external group
Contact: Carol Morgan (01642 722897)
8:00 pm in a member’s home
House group
See below for more information
Contact: Contact Chris Stokeld (castokeld@gmail.com)
6:45 pm in church
Film Night (First Friday in the month from October to March).
Showing recent releases that are suitable for general viewing. Films start at 7:00 pm and refreshments are served after the showing. Donations are accepted in lieu of a charge and go toward the current church charity. Contact the organiser for the film selection for the month.
Contact: Chris Stokeld (01642 723573)
Community Hub
10 am until 12 noon on the first Saturday of every month
A place for people from across the local community to come together. We serve excellent coffee, tea, scones and tray bakes and are a great place to meet friends. We’re dog friendly and have plenty to entertain the children. We’ve an area for quiet reflection or prayer and opportunities to find out more about our faith and church. Over time we aim to include other providers of services to the local area so the morning becomes a source of local information, guidance and support. Please do come along and share how this grows and develops with us.
From time to time
Family Fun Time*
Saturdays 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in church
The church is transformed into an inflatable fun park with bouncy castle, inflatable slide, ball pool and soft play items. Suitable for younger children aged up to approximately school year two. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Coffee, tea and biscuits are available as well as cold drinks for children. There is a small charge per family for this activity.
This takes place around three times per year during a Community Hub morning
Contact: Ruth Smith (ruth.smith2610@yahoo.co.uk)
House groups
House groups are run by individuals in their own homes and are not part of Great Ayton Methodist Church. They tend to follow a set programme of topics sometimes following the themes that were preached on in the previous Sunday’s sermon and sometimes not. House groups vary greatly in their composition, style and the way they tackle the study material. However, all are friendly, supportive and are a great way of getting to know people and finding your place within the church. Ideas and visions arising from house groups are a major source of the mission work undertaken by the church. Anyone who would like more information about a particular house group, house groups in general or to join a group should contact one of the hosts or Chris Stokeld, the worship portfolio leader (castokeld@gmail.com) who will put you in touch with someone who can help you.