Media and links

Browse our latest newsletters so you can keep up to date, listen to recordings of recent sermons so you can listen again or catch up on those you missed or follow links to various websites related to the church and local area.



We produce a weekly newsletter using the MailChimp platform. These are generally produced on a Thursday and cover the week commencing the following Sunday. You can sign up to receive our newsletter here.

Service videos

You’ll find videos of all our services since the end of March 2020 on our YouTube channel.

When we are live streaming our stream will start about 10 minutes before the service, to give you time to join us.

While you’re on YouTube, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the ‘bell’ icon. That way you’ll receive a notification each time we upload content or go live.

Know someone who would like to listen to one of our services but is not on line? Audio CDs are available on request. Please email and we’ll arrange for this service.

Useful Links

These links take you to external websites.

Other useful links

Circuit preaching plan (shows who is preaching at each church in the Stokesley circuit and the set bible reading for that Sunday).  There are published quarterly and you can view the current plan by visiting the ‘Publications’ page of the Stokesley Methodist Circuit website, here.

 Social media: 

Follow Great Ayton Methodist Church on Facebook and Instagram.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

These links take you to external websites.

